she said im over due for a blog.
so i decided to appease her and let her tension subside, so she could get back to sewing sweaters for her 13 are some pictures form her blog, knit kitty knit.
here is her knitting

and here is her product being shown by a model.

well i wondered what to right...hmm...well my sister got her last named changed....the wedding was pretty dang the bomb. probably the best wedding ever. the lighting, the sparklers, the beautiful evening, outside. amazing. and i heard there were a couple special guests singing....
well here is a poem i wrote a while back, just something, i dont agree with it, but for some guys this could be true. but before you read it, guys, girls' biggest secret is they have no secrets.....yes that simple.
id like to dedicate this to my sister's new husband, chris
here he is, why yes he is a computer geek--> the arrow is there jsut in case you couldnt find him
red, yellow, orange, white, blue, and green;
the colors of a mystery,
the feminine mind can be so mean,
still i wonder how that Asian dude
does it in under a minute and three,
and id like to leave you with the newest song i have written, still kinda rough draffy but..., i dont mean to offend but, it could.
later gators
i was left in a basket on the front steps
of a catholic church with a careful kiss
by a mother whose tears were no match for the rain
i grew up with a few nuns and a book
life was strict they managed me with a stick and stern look
some beads to save my soul and a mother mary
i still remember it, clearly in my mind, the robed one would
command "get down on your knees,child, recite the rosary"
well i got sick of the religious scene
i broke the night they looked at me and agreed to disagree
it was after mass, they were in a quiet discussion with the munk
when he broke his vows and called me a punk.
so i took off down the corridor
i broke the stoups as i broke through the door
i was covered in holy water, like a spiritual attack
but it was healing to know the rain would cover my tracks.
i still remember the nightmare, the robed one would
command "Get face down,child, recite the prayer"
I woke up in the gutter with the warmth of some pigs
A long haired man cleaned me up and took me to the pub
He drank his pint while I drank my cup
He got some curt answers and I got a glimpse
Of his left arm, it boasted a cross etched in ink
A little odd but it made me think…
Hail mary, hail mary, hail mary, x3
What about….
That night at his show, it seemed wrong
But they were singing a screamo song
Then the tempo shifted to something more subtle
And I couldn’t deny the presence I felt
Hail mary, hail mary, hail mary, what about my savior?
Trinitarian formulas and praying to the saints
Religion bends and to hell purgatory…
I don’t mean to slam Catholicism, but here I am, why do I have to defend
My point of view, with some criticism, its real blunt
Asking what is true, what is real, what matters
Only you, only you, only you….
:) Pretty awesome song there, how do you come up with this stuff???
Hey Jordan..
so i was thinking, and i miss the days where we competed for blog comments.. but your blogs were always better.. anyways, this one was good, and i really think your an awesome writer, it's a gift and i wish i could write like that... maybe someday we can go back to our old myspace days.. i'd like that :) well enough mushy gushy stuff.. peace man
You are so random, it is hard to follow sometimes. I still need to show Chris your blog. It's hard though, because we aren't paying for internet. It sucks to be poor. Sweet song! You are a genious! I love you mon frere
Like your blog. It's even cooler reading it on an internet signal that i can't pick up unless i am sitting on the left half of our futon. Anyway i'll try to keep an eye on your blog. BTW i liked your poem, those Asian guys and their mad rubik's cube solving skills. Kalee didn't tell me; i'm just that good
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